The shirts are off! As the city gets ready to devour the heat. Presenting the Summer Artists of '17
They don't call Brixton trendy for no reason. Rock n' roll vibes as you step out of the station.

Hard to miss this guys on the high street, belting out sweet Caribbean beats.

A sun kissed duo spotted outside the United Colours of Benetton at Oxford Street.

It might look like summer, but the winds can get chilly. Nostalgia in the form of Guns & Roses, at Holborn.

A hot sweaty afternoon in the underground tunnels. This guy's hat cheered me up.

Sunday morning at the bustling Borough Market.

11 pm on a weeknight, at Oxford Circus.

From London to the the Piazza de Commune, Assisi. This guy was bringing back tunes of the Shire. I felt like doing a little hobbit dance!

Taken back to my band practice and march past days.
Not all of them looking too happy doing the drill.

Last but not the least. An artist with the pen, doing what he loves best- doodling!