This was such a special commission. A new range of illustrations for prints and merchandise featuring the stunning palace.
This came through by pure chance. A customer purchased one of my Ally Pally prints from a shop in North London and reached out to the Ally Pally team to use it for the cover for the Palace's quarterly magazine. The in house marketing team then wrote to me to commission more illustrations for the palace shop in time for the 150th anniversary celebration.
I was pretty nervous at first, as not only was I to design but also supply wholesale a whole range of products from prints, greetings, notebooks, postcards, tea towels and totes within a deadline. As a one woman band (with a toddler), it was quite risky but something I couldn't let go off as I knew I would enjoy every moment of working on this. Luckily I have a great team of local suppliers as the quality of every singe item had to be top notch.
A slow burn project, with quite a few back and forth but at the end everything turned out exactly the way I wanted, or even better! Have a look at some of the pieces, available at the Alexandra Palace shop. I haven't been there to see for myself as it' a bit of a trek to North London, but maybe soon.
This year I'm hoping to take up more private commissions, it's one of the directions I hope to grow this business. Would love your feedback!
The Palm Court Print is available to buy online, would be listing the other soon!